The HEAL ITALIA Foundation and the University of Palermo, Spoke Leader in the field of Research on “Advanced Prediction Models for Prognosis and Therapeutic Response” announce the publication of a new Cascading Call for Proof-of-Concept (PoC) projects based on the experimental development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications for the creation of the prototype/model of the Heal Italia Precision Medicine Pilot Center.
The Heal Italia Precision Medicine Center is configured as an organizational model of services that must integrate the analysis of omics data, the development of predictive models, support for clinical decisions, research and national health service bodies in the development of Precision Medicine Programs in contexts organized and supported by the facilities present in the Heal Italia network.
The Call, intended for entities operating in one or more regions of Southern Italy (Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia), is addressed to:
Bodies of the National Health Service
Universities and entities supervised by the MUR
Research Bodies Research Bodies registered with the ANR
Public foundations registered with the ANR, with recognition of legal personality and a statute in which the carrying out of Research & Innovation activities is indicated among the fundamental objectives.
Project proposals submitted by companies and entities that are already partners of the Heal Italia Foundation will not be admitted.
The involvement (endorsement) of reference scientific societies that are not beneficiaries of the funding and can contribute to the activities to amplify the impacts of the project constitutes an element of reward.
The expected financial endowment amounts to 1,100,000 Euros.
Requests for information can be sent to the email address:
Call (20/01/2025 rep. 512/2025)
Provision for issuing the call
Attachments to the callchments to the notice