AIHLS Summer School – Special sponsorship from the Heal Italia Foundation

Thanks to the support of the Heal Italia Foundation, we are pleased to offer 10 free registration places exclusively for doctoral students affiliated with Heal Italia Foundation institutions or doctoral students of the National Doctorate Course in Precision Medicine. This opportunity aims to promote international collaboration and provide students with a platform to engage deeply in the fields of artificial intelligence and health sciences.

Application process: Interested students must complete a dedicated application form issued by HEAL ITALIA – CUP B73C22001310006, which will be assessed by our selection committee. The form will ask for details about your research interests, current projects, and a brief statement about how participation in this summer school will benefit your academic and professional goals.

Selection process: The committee will review all proposals and select recipients based on their CV, the relevance and impact of their research in the field of health and life sciences, as well as their motivation to participate in the summer school. The selection is based on the quality of the application and, in the case of ex-aequo, on the “first come, first served” principle until all places are filled. The winners of the scholarships will be notified at the end of the selection and will be entitled to a refund of the registration fee of €600.

Special Sponsorship Application Deadline: July 30, 2024

More info on AIHLS site

Go to the registration page