Institutional greetings from Minister Schillaci for the National Forum on Precision Medicine

We are pleased to share Minister Schillaci’s greetings with you (attached).

Greeting message from the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci
National forum on precision medicine
The Heal Italia model and the contribution of research to the healthcare system of the future

13-15 June 2024

I would like to address my greetings to the Rector Massimo Midiri, to the Councilor for Health Giovanna Volo and all the participants in the National Forum on precision medicine, an important opportunity to promote innovation and excellence in the medical field. Precision medicine is configured as a revolutionary paradigm, capable of offering increasingly personalized and effective therapeutic solutions for patients. From this perspective, the Heal Italia model, thanks to the ability to connect the best skills and resources, to the contamination between knowledge and the holistic and multidisciplinary approach, will allow us to reach new frontiers for our healthcare system. The topics addressed in this Forum – from artificial intelligence to digital health, from personalized medicine to pharmaceutical development – are of crucial importance for outlining the contours of a healthcare system that is increasingly efficient, fair and in step with the challenges of the present and the future . Of course, sharing knowledge and skills will be the key to creating a future in which precision medicine is a concrete reality for all citizens. I wish everyone good luck in their work.


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Saluto del Ministro Schillaci