What is


Open access to publications, as well as the Open Research Data Pilot (ORDP), has been a key policy throughout Horizon 2020, the Framework Program for Research and Innovation. Under the new Framework Programme Horizon Europe (2021-2027) the Commission intends to further strengthen aspects of open science, also imposing open access to research data as a priority choice, but always according to the principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”.

Open science is a strategic priority for the European Commission and the challenge for Europe is to ensure that open science becomes the modus operandi for all researchers.
Open science is about sharing knowledge, data and tools in the research and innovation (R&I) process as quickly as possible, in open collaboration with all relevant knowledge actors, including academia, industry, public authorities, end users, citizens and society in general.

Open science helps improve the quality, efficiency and impact of R&I, increase responsiveness to the challenges faced by society and increase society’s trust in the scientific system.

Since 2016, the Commission has organized its open science policy according to eight “ambitions”: 

  • Open Data: FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable data) and open data sharing should become the default for EU-funded scientific research results.
  • European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): a “federated research data infrastructure ecosystem” that will enable the scientific community to share and process publicly funded research results and data across scientific borders and sectors.
  • Metriche di nuova generazione (New Generation Metrics): new indicators must be developed to complement conventional indicators for research quality and impact, so as to reward open science practices.
  • Future of academic communication (Scholarly communication): all peer-reviewed scientific publications should be freely accessible and early sharing of different types of research results should be encouraged.
  • Rewards: research career evaluation systems should fully recognize open science activities.
  • Integrità della ricerca (Research integrity): all publicly funded research in the EU should comply with agreed research integrity standards.
  • Istruzione e competenze (Education and skills): all scientists in Europe should have the necessary skills and support to apply open scientific research practices.
  • Scienza dei cittadini (Citizen science): citizens can make a significant contribution and be recognized as valid producers of European scientific knowledge.

