Gender Equality Plan – Heal Italia

The Heal Italia Foundation has approved the 2024/26 Gender Equality Plan.

The Gender Equality Plan 2024/26 drawn up by the working group of the Heal Italia Foundation was approved by resolution of the Board of Directors on 21 November 2023 and resolution of the Council of Founding Members on 21 December 2023. A plan that places gender equality at the center as an extraordinary engine of growth and as one of the most relevant and urgent cornerstones of the development and progress agenda of societies. In line with what was established by the United Nations through the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 and as reiterated by the European Union through the “Strategic Engagement on Gender Equality for the five-year period 2020-2025”.
The Heal Italia Foundation, in order to promote gender equality, in addition to the actions already undertaken, will activate reward measures aimed at promoting studies and research on gender issues also through the establishment of a dedicated fund, and by starting fundraising activities internal and external for the establishment of research grants and post-doc scholarships on gender issues. Furthermore, Heal Italia will adopt a code of ethics and conduct for the prevention of violence, harassment and discrimination.

The Foundation will also organize awareness and dissemination information events and the creation of a web space on its website also to be able to receive reports “in a confidential manner” from all staff who work directly/indirectly within the Heal Italia network.

The Foundation thanks Professor Caterina Ventimiglia for her precious collaboration in the drafting of the GEP Heal Italia.

The complete text of the approved document is attached (IT)


Open file
Gender Equality Plan