Donate your 5×1000 to research

With your next tax return you can allocate your 5×1000 to the Heal Italia Foundation. Your signature is a responsible choice, of great importance and significant value. To do so, it will be sufficient to indicate in the appropriate box of the tax return the words “Financing for scientific research institutions and universities” and indicate the Heal Italia Tax Code 97370050821. 

  • The 5×1000 is a portion of the IRPEF tax that the citizen pays to the State with the presentation of the tax return (Single Certification, UNICO, 730).
  • The 5×1000 costs nothing and does not take resources away from the 8xthousand.
  • With your signature and tax code 97370050821 it will be donated to our Foundation.

With your donation you can give concrete support to a company that carries out research. Liberty comes from knowledge, be free to protect your future. Donate 5×1000 to scientific research.