Advisory Board

The Advisory Board has consultative and proactive functions on the activity of the research networks (Spoke) of the HEAL ITALIA Research and Innovation Programme. It provides assessments on the strategies, economic prospects of the research sectors and the valorisation of research. It is made up of illustrious scientists:

Gerry Melino – Advisory Board Coordinator, Full Professor of Biochemistry at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”Italy

Baccarini ManuelaUniversity of WienAustria
Barlev NickNazarbayev UniversityUzbekistan
Debatin Klaus-MichaelUniversity Medical Center UlmGermany
Doria Alessandro Joslin Diabetes Center/ Harvard Medical SchoolDenmark
Jia Wei The University of Hong KongChina
Kroemer Guido Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Université de ParisFrance
Lu Xin Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Oxford– UK
Modest Dominik Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany
Nicotera Pierluigi German Center Neurodegeneration, DZNEGermany
Shi Fu-DongTianjin Medical UniversityChina
Sibilia Maria Center for Cancer Research at the Medical University of ViennaAustria
Simon Hans-UweInstitute of Pharmacology, University of BernSwitzerland
Tait SteveSchool of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow UK
Wang YingShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine China
Zhivotovsky BorisKarolinska Institute Sweden
Zitvogel LaurenceGustave Roussy Hospital, Université de Paris France