As part of the “PNC – Innovative Health Ecosystem” project, a Business Matching event organized by the University of Cagliari will be held in Cagliari on November 21 and 22 (Teatro Doglio, via Logudoro 32), dedicated to promoting the synergy between research and industry in the medical diagnostics sector.
The “PNC – Innovative Health Ecosystem” project, co-financed by the Ministry of Health and coordinated by the Monzino Cardiology Center in Milan, aims to enhance technologies and skills to create a healthcare ecosystem of excellence through collaboration between 54 associates, including IRCCS, Universities and public and private bodies.
The event will be an important meeting opportunity for researchers from the PerfeTTO network – the first Italian network composed of technology transfer offices (TTOs) in the Life Sciences sector – and several companies in the advanced diagnostics sector. During the two days, the research teams of the Network will present their projects, offering the companies present the opportunity to establish a constructive discussion and explore possible future collaborations.
The works will be opened (Thursday 21 November, 2 pm) by the reports of Fabrizio Pilo (UniCA), Luca Battistelli (PerfeTTO) and Laura Leonardis (Heal Italia)
Further information in the attached program