A new Heal Italia Cascade Call is approaching – Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the creation of the prototype/model of the Heal Italia Precision Medicine Pilot Center

The HEAL ITALIA Foundation and the University of Palermo, the Spoke Leader in the field of research on ‘Advanced Prediction Models for Prognosis and Therapeutic Response,’ announce the publication of a new Cascade Call in the first weeks of January 2025. This call will fund Proof-of-
Concept (PoC) projects focused on the experimental development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications for the creation of the prototype/model of the Heal Italia Precision Medicine Pilot Centre.

The Heal Italia Center for Precision Medicine is structured as an organized service model that integrates the analysis of omics data, the development of predictive models, clinical decision support, and collaboration with research institutions and national health services for the development of Precision Medicine programs. These programs are implemented in contexts organized and supported by the facilities within the Heal Italia network.

The announcement is directed at:

  • National Health Service bodies
  • Universities and institutions under the supervision of the MUR (Italian Ministry for Research)
  • Research Organisations
  • Public foundations registered, legally recognized and with statutes that include Research & Innovation activities as core objectives

Project proposals submitted by companies and entities already partnering with the Heal Italia Foundation will not be eligible. The involvement of relevant scientific societies, which are not beneficiaries of the funding but can contribute to amplifying the project’s impact, will be considered an added value.

The total financial allocation amounts to 1,100,000 Euros, with a maximum aid intensity of 100%.
The announcement is exclusively aimed at the southern region of Italy.
More information will be available on our website soon.

For further details CLICK HERE