The second edition of the National PhD in Precision Medicine is underway

4 more days to apply for the National Doctorate in Precision Medicine promoted by the Heal Italia Foundation (Health extended alliance for innovative therapies, advanced lab-research and integrated approaches of precision medicine) in collaboration with the University of Palermo, administrative headquarters of the Course.

The aim of the Doctorate is to train hybrid professionals who, in addition to being specialized in key sectors of Medicine, are able to apply the skills acquired on 4.0 technologies (big data, artificial intelligence, etc.) for the development of personalized diagnoses and therapies. Furthermore, through the collaboration with Heal Italia, the figures to be trained will have the opportunity to operate in a highly stimulating and collaborative national and international context, for example by carrying out their own research program also with the possibility of accessing networks of laboratories, biobanks, cell factories and clinical and instrumental data platforms including access to populations and/or cohorts of patients followed over the years by the entities belonging to the network. The 45 scholarship holders will join the 200 researchers with fixed-term contracts, clinicians, technologists and PhDs recruited for the Heal Italia Research Program (funded by the PNRR) and who, together with another 350 researchers and scholarship holders from the PhD program activated last year, collaborate on research for Diagnostics and Innovative Therapies in Precision Medicine. The Call is aimed not only at future professionals in the Biomedical area but also at all those interested in research and development of advanced technologies for Precision Medicine and, in fact, provides for the participation of candidates in one or more of the 7 curricula constituting the Doctorate itself, all aimed at hosting projects related to the applications and contribution of each disciplinary sector to Precision Medicine:

Metabolic Diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases
Rare Diseases
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Digital Health
Materials and Technologies

The second edition of the National Doctorate in Precision Medicine sees the participation of 14 Italian Universities and Companies and/or Research Institutions.
For the XL cycle, a total of 45 positions with scholarships have been made available, open to all graduates (Specialist Degree, Master’s Degree or Old Order equivalent to a Second Level Degree) in Italy or abroad (equivalent qualification for level of studies to the aforementioned access qualifications), of which 15 financed by the Sicily Region (Notice 15/2024) under the ESF + 2021-2027 (Priority 2 – Education and Training) with the specific objective of promoting lifelong learning, in particular the opportunity to improve the level of skills and flexible requalification for all, taking into account entrepreneurial and digital skills, better anticipating change and the new skills required on the basis of the needs of the labor market, facilitating professional reorientation and promoting professional mobility.
In particular, the following are planned:
N. 11 Scholarships co-financed by Companies under the Ministerial Decree 630 on restricted topics specified in the relevant sheet with the main headquarters of the activity at the University indicated in the relevant scholarship sheet and with a mandatory period to be carried out at the headquarters of the company involved and a mandatory period of research activity abroad
No. 18 Scholarships co-financed by Universities/Companies/Research Bodies/IRCCS on restricted topics and with the location of the research activities indicated by the funding body in the relevant sheet
No. 1 Scholarship on non-restricted research topics provided that they are consistent with the topics relating to one of the curricula of the Doctoral Course in Precision Medicine (see Course sheet) with the main location of the activities at the University of Palermo
No. 15 Scholarships intended for candidates born or resident in Sicily as of 21 June 2024 and under the age of 35 on the date of submission of the application with a mandatory period of at least 8 months and a maximum of 12 months (possibly divisible into at least two continuous periods of at least 4 months) of which:

n.1 with a restricted topic and with main location of activities at the Kore University of Enna
n. 14 on non-restricted research topics provided that they are consistent with the topics related to one of the curricula of the Doctorate Course in Precision Medicine (see Course sheet) of which:
n. 10 with main location of activities at the University of Palermo
n. 2 with main location of activities at the University of Catania
n. 2 with main location of activities at the University of Messina

The competition announcement and the related documentation are available on the institutional website of the University of Palermo at the following link: